Monday 30 April 2012

Final Conclusion.

           Final Conclusion by group's members.

  • Shahirah,Nurin,Fatimah and Iffah understood the application,experiment and concept of Archimedes Principle.

Saturday 28 April 2012

SPM Question Year 2010

9.  a)          The weight of a body is the gravitional force acting on the body.

     b)   (i)  - The weight of the father is higher than the weight of the boy.
                 - The volume of water displaced by the father is bigger than the volume of water                                                             
                    displaced by the boy.
                 -The bouyant force that acts on the father is greater than the boy.
           (ii)   a) When the volume of the water displaced increases,the bouyant force increases.
                  b) When the weight of the water displaced increases,the buoyant force increases.

           (iii)   Archimede's principle 

     c)          - When the wooden block is submerged in water,the buoyant force is
                     greater then it's weight.
                  - Hence,the buoyant force pushes the block upwards.
                  - This occurs until the block reaches the surface when the weight of 
                     water is displaced

     d)    (i)  The shape of the raft
                  -Use steamline shape to reduce water displaced.

            (ii) The material used for the raft
                  -use light material like bamboo to make the raft float.

            (iii) The size of the raft
                 - large size of raft is easier to accomodate participant.

            (iv) The design of the raft 
                  - tie the bamboo layers.Put motor at the end of the raft to increase the speed 
                    of the raft.

Thursday 26 April 2012

Exercises of Archimedes Principle.

 1.   a)    The maximum buoyant force experienced by the boat is 17400N.

       b)      The one who is more eligible to go in the boat is the man  with 60 kg. Because 

           the man will not make the boat inverted.


2.    a)   Hydrometer is used to measure the density of a liquid.

       b)  A lead shoot is place at its bottom so that it can float upright.

       c)  A solid suspended in a fluid will be buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid displaced by the submerged part of the suspended solid. Thus, the lower the density of the substance, the farther the hydrometer will sink

Wednesday 25 April 2012

Application of a Submarine

Application Of a Ship(Submarine).

Whether a submarine is floating or submerging depends on the ship's buoyancy. Buoyancy is controlled by the ballast tanks, which are found between the submarine's inner and outer hulls.

A submarine resting on the surface has positive buoyancy, which means it is less dense than the water around it and will float. At this time, the ballast tanks are mainly full of air.

To submerge, the submarine must have negative buoyancy. Vents on top of the ballast tanks are opened. Seawater coming in through the flood ports forces air out the vents, and the submarine begins to sink.

The submarine ballast tanks now filled with seawater is denser than the surrounding water. The exact depth can be controlled by adjusting the water to air ratio in the ballast tanks. Submerged, the submarine can obtain neutral buoyancy. That means the weight of the submarine equals the amount of water it displaces. The submarine will neither rise nor sink in this state.

To make the submarine rise again, compressed air is simply blown into the tanks forcing the seawater out. The submarine gains positive buoyancy, becomes less dense than the water and rises.

  1. Shahirah: I understand the application of the Submarine that the upward force of  the ship is greater than the downward force when the submarine rises.
  2. Nurin: I understand the pressure at the bottom of the submarine is greater than at the top will make the submarine rises.
  3. Fatimah: The uses of the ballast tanks are to allow the vessel to submerge, water being taken in to alter the vessel's buoyancy and allow the submarine to dive.
  4. Iffah: Ballast tank help us to understand the application of submarines better.

In Conclusion, the application of submarine is another example of the Archimedes Principle.Hence,Archimedes Principle is really helpful to mankind.

Friday 20 April 2012

Bouyancy and Archimedes Experiment

Experiment by using eureka can.

Take a clean and dry beaker and find it's mass (m) using a physical balance. Now find the weight of a stone by suspending it from a spring balance. Fill an Eureka can (Eureka can is a beaker having a spout near the top) with water filled till the spout. Place the beaker of mass 'm' under the spout. Gently lower the solid, suspended from spring balance, into the Eureka can, till the stone is completely immersed in water. When the stone is immersed in water it displaces a certain amount of water. The spring balance records lesser value thereby showing that the solid experiences an upthrust. The displaced water is collected in the beaker. Using the physical balance the mass of the water and beaker is determined. Let it be m1.
If we compare the apparent loss of weight of the solid in water, with the amount of water displaced, it is found that they are equal. This experiment thus verifies Archimedes' Principle.

Reflection by members group :

  1. Shahirah: I understood the theory of Archimedes Principle Eureka Can experiment that state when a body is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid it experience an upthrust equal tothe weight of the fluid displaced.
  2. Nurin : In school,we use a different apparatus which is weight while in the picture they used stone.Eventhough the apparatus are different,the measurement still valid.
  3. Fatimah: If we use stone,we have to find it's mass first,but when we carried the experiment,we used weight which is alrealdy have it own particular mass.
  4. Iffah: We take several reading to avoid parallex errors.This can prrevent our experiment from ruin out.

As a conclusion,we can conclude that Archimedes Principle is useful in daily life.

Wednesday 18 April 2012

Archimedes Principle.

Below is the the diagram of a ship.

Seriously,I'm not talented in drawing.

  1. The physical principle that explains the situation above is Archimedes principle.
  2. The ship is floating partially in the sea water because the weight of the ship is equal to the upthrust(buoyant force) and the resultant force is zero.

  • A point to remember:
A ship is made by steel do not sink because,
  1. Contains air space to displace the sea water.
  2. Upthrust is great enough to support the weight of ship.
  3. Steel ship is hollow inside hence,density of ship < sea water.

In conclusion:
-Shahirah,Nurin,Fatimah and Iffah understood the Archimedes principle taught by our teacher.

Friday 30 March 2012

Of Marshall Rosenbluth


I know the Tittle is not an eye-catching at all,as I'm not going to catch anyone's eyes...haha

oh,cut the crap.I always rambling too much for an introduction!

So,where was I?


Who is Marshall Rosenbluth?
He is
-An America plasma physicist.
-During his first post-doctoral position at Stanford University,(1949-1950),he derived the Rosenbluth Formula.

So,as conclusion,we're so proud to name this blog after him.

Here the admin of this blog.
1.Siti Fatimah Shamsudin  4ST
2)Nuriffah Latif  4ST
3)Nurin Nazihah Najib  4ST
4)Nur Shahirah Abdul Kadir  4ST

Okey,end of rambling.
Psst:I'm not that rajin,you see.

Till then,