Friday 30 March 2012

Of Marshall Rosenbluth


I know the Tittle is not an eye-catching at all,as I'm not going to catch anyone's eyes...haha

oh,cut the crap.I always rambling too much for an introduction!

So,where was I?


Who is Marshall Rosenbluth?
He is
-An America plasma physicist.
-During his first post-doctoral position at Stanford University,(1949-1950),he derived the Rosenbluth Formula.

So,as conclusion,we're so proud to name this blog after him.

Here the admin of this blog.
1.Siti Fatimah Shamsudin  4ST
2)Nuriffah Latif  4ST
3)Nurin Nazihah Najib  4ST
4)Nur Shahirah Abdul Kadir  4ST

Okey,end of rambling.
Psst:I'm not that rajin,you see.

Till then,

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