Friday 20 April 2012

Bouyancy and Archimedes Experiment

Experiment by using eureka can.

Take a clean and dry beaker and find it's mass (m) using a physical balance. Now find the weight of a stone by suspending it from a spring balance. Fill an Eureka can (Eureka can is a beaker having a spout near the top) with water filled till the spout. Place the beaker of mass 'm' under the spout. Gently lower the solid, suspended from spring balance, into the Eureka can, till the stone is completely immersed in water. When the stone is immersed in water it displaces a certain amount of water. The spring balance records lesser value thereby showing that the solid experiences an upthrust. The displaced water is collected in the beaker. Using the physical balance the mass of the water and beaker is determined. Let it be m1.
If we compare the apparent loss of weight of the solid in water, with the amount of water displaced, it is found that they are equal. This experiment thus verifies Archimedes' Principle.

Reflection by members group :

  1. Shahirah: I understood the theory of Archimedes Principle Eureka Can experiment that state when a body is wholly or partially immersed in a fluid it experience an upthrust equal tothe weight of the fluid displaced.
  2. Nurin : In school,we use a different apparatus which is weight while in the picture they used stone.Eventhough the apparatus are different,the measurement still valid.
  3. Fatimah: If we use stone,we have to find it's mass first,but when we carried the experiment,we used weight which is alrealdy have it own particular mass.
  4. Iffah: We take several reading to avoid parallex errors.This can prrevent our experiment from ruin out.

As a conclusion,we can conclude that Archimedes Principle is useful in daily life.

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